Our team is made up of experts across the clinical and healing fields who are recognised leaders in their field of practice and as Whānau Practitioners.
Our Kaitiaki provide guidance and support to Whānau navigating their way through their journey to wellbeing. Supporting Authentic Relationships (Whanaungatanga) between all parties while maintaining the Mana or integrity of the people and process is integral to their role. Our Kaitiaki traverse the whole journey with and alongside Whānau creating the consistency required in an ever changing and at times challenging environment.
Lead by a team of respected Indigenous Clinical Leaders our team provides services in the following areas:
Rata Hauora
Our Rata Hauora [General Practitioner] provide support to whānau to explore clinical options for optimising wellbeing. Our Rata Hauora also support whānau practitioners to consider ways in which whānau goals [tumanako] remain at the centre of whānau ora plans. Working as one team to achieve whānau wellbeing.
Tapuhi Whai Rēhitatanga
Registered Nurse
Our Tapuhi Whai Rēhitatanga [Registered Nurse] work closely to support and strengthen whānau voice to be heard when navigating whānau ora plans that can include; medication, community care and visitations. Our Tapuhi Rehitanga ensure plans are pono [transparent] and whānau are respected for their knowledge and expertise.
Whakaora Ngangahau
Our Whakaora Ngangahau [Occupational Therapists] look beyond diagnosis and injury and consider the restoration of the whole person. Addressing Tinana [Physical], Hinengaro [Mental Health], Wairua [Spiritual] and Whānau wellbeing as key to the occupation of being ‘well”. Whakaora Ngangahau ensure tumanako goals are approached in a gradual and sustainable manner.
Our Kai Romiromi [Physiotherapists] work to restore well-being within the Tinana, seeking ways to relieve, soothe, optimise movement and function to support a return to activities identified by whānau as essential. Kai Romiromi share their functional knowledge with whānau to optimise independence.
Mātanga Kai
Our Mātanga Kai [Nutritionalist] partners with whānau to explore the importance of Kai, seeking to understand ways in which food is shared, and valued to optimise wellbeing. Mātanga kai incorporate whānau knowledge around the preparation, sharing and consumption of Kai to ensure consistent healing, energy tolerances and recovery.
Rata Hauora Hinengaro
Our Rata Hauora Hinengaro [Psychologist] provide support and guidance in the area of Hinengaro wellbeing - they seek to highlight whānau resiliance, and skills learnt on the journey of well being. This knowledge is used to inform whānau practitioners and other providers to acknowledge and respect whānau as experts in their own journey to wellbeing.
Kaimahi Hapori
Rehabilitation Coaches
Our Kaimahi Hapori [Rehabilitation Coaches] bring practical support to clinical / therapy education and learning. Kaimahi Hapori integrate education and learning into everyday activities of value and importance to whānau. They seek to support the tumanako [goals] for optimising independance and ensuring whānau are at the centre of the wellbeing journey.
Kaimahi Toko i Te Ora
Social Workers
Our Kaimahi Toko i Te Ora or Social Workers work collaboratively with our Whānau and Whānau Practitioners to engage with groups, communities and organisations external to Indigenous Rehabilitation to effect change and get stuff done. They are the Igniters, the Connectors, the Nurturer’s, the Doers. They offer guidance whānau may need to deal with issues that are impacting on their everyday wellbeing.
Our Kaitohutohu or Counsellors offer tautoko and healing through Kōrero. One of the most critical concepts our Kaitohutohu apply to their practise is Whakawhanaungatanga. Focusing on developing relationships with Whānau to gain Trust and Confidence. Another principle is Mauri – placing Whānau at the centre of kōrero. Ultimately this leads to an ability to engage in the practise of Pono, Tika, Aroha – being honest, in the right way and with the best intention that leads to the best outcome for Whānau. Having up front and honest kōrero to help Whānau move through difficult times such as dealing with grief, loss, changing relationships or it could revolve around reflection and realisation. In its essence the healing comes from having courageous conversations.
Rongoā Māori
Māori Healing
Rongoā Māori is traditional Māori Healing and encompasses traditional plant remedies, physical therapies and spiritual healing. It is a set of intangible and tangible practises that weave together to preserve Mauri as the fundamental principle for wellbeing. Our Rongoā Practitioners work closely with our Whānau and Whānau Practitioners to ensure balance is achieved throughout the journey toward Whānau Ora (Family Wellbeing). Karakia, Te Reo, Tikanga, Waiata, Mirimiri, herbal medicine, kōrero are examples of some of our Rongoā Practises.
He Pātai?
If you would like to contact our Whānau Practitioners or if you have a question please do so here.