Utilising our expertise we have developed learning modules that we offer to individuals and organisations
Ngākau Purotu a Kaupapa Māori Practise Model
Ngākau Purotu is our practise model and it is implemented across all aspects of our organisation. It influences our structure, our strategic direction, our policies and procedures, our recruitment and the way we work with each other and our service delivery to Whanau. Ngākau Purotu has been developed from real life experiences and provides the foundation to our mahi (work).
Mainstream meets Indigenous – A Fusion of Frameworks for Organisational Excellence
As a result of our practise model and hands on experience, we have developed an expertise in merging the two worlds of Mainstream and Indigenous. Maintaining the authenticity of our Indigenous beliefs alongside a conventional system can be challenging. However, as part of our Quality Assurance Framework we successfully and consistently achieve Continuous Improvement on Continuous Improvement audit ratings. This is an exceptional achievement and one we are very proud of. It is achieved without compromising our core values dictated by Ngākau Purotu.
The Basics of Business
The business of Health – we have developed a Community Based learning module that is specifically designed for Whānau to support themselves to become financially independent by building their own micro-business. Areas of focus include Business Principles, Financial Management, Human Resources, Quality Frameworks and Business Planning.
Building Organisational Culture through the application of our Practise Model
One of our strengths has been our ability to integrate our practise model Ngākau Purotu throughout the entirety of our organisation. From the structure of our group to our Policies and Procedures, our Quality Framework, our Recruitment Process, our Tikanga our Service Delivery.
Creating Pathways and Workforce Development
We are committed to supporting those with a passion to provide healthcare to Whānau by offering Internships, Scholarships, Leadership Programs, Mentoring and Professional Development Pathways. We offer work placement programs for School Leavers, we create opportunities for those considering a clinical career to kōrero to some of our most experienced and renown clinicians for guidance and understanding and we also support progression pathways internally for our employees.
Caring for our Communities – Best Practise
Looking after our families and caring for our communities is who we are. We combine care programs with community connectedness, rehabilitation and clinical support then link everyone together to ensure the best possible outcome. This is the essence of our mahi. Working alongside other organisations who are like minded and experts in their field of work reinforces our collective approach to ultimately support whānau achieve their health and wellbeing aspirations.
Kōrero Mai
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