What is Rehabilitation - A Whānau Ora Approach
What is the definition of Rehabilitation? We have many discussions on this topic but for the clients and Whānau who we care for and who are physically limited by their injuries, we have had to think innovatively and creatively. Life is about living, and rehabilitation is such a small but critical component of this. Our approach has always been to take a Whānau Ora approach to the way we support rehabilitation. What does this mean? In its essence it requires us to take an aspirational view and work back from there. For example, Peter’s aspirational goal after his accident in 2002 was to become involved in Waka Ama again. Prior to his accident Peter’s crew were the National and World Champion record holders of the 500-meter sprint event. After his accident, the club became dormant. Pineula, was established by Peter and his family and the name Pineula was given to him by his grandfather. Waka Ama was Peter’s absolute passion and so with the help of his family and friends he inspired the crew to get back to together. After 5 years of not competing the crew came together to support Peter’s goal and won the gold medal. Peter was highly motivated to participate in his rehabilitation programme so that he could build the strength he needed to be able to stay up in his chair to travel and watch the racing. It seems like something simple but in Peter’s case it was a massive achievement.
No limitations and hope are the key. Never give up and find a way. Do What Ever It Takes.